Topics like feminism, patriarchy, societal mindset, etc. have always been controversial. But before diving into the actual problem, let's just understand the real and actual meaning of feminism and why patriarchy needs to be smashed in our society

Many people in our society often relate feminism with hatred of women towards all men, however, it's literally the complete opposite of it. Feminism is nothing about hating men, it's about equal rights and opportunities for both men and women. On the other side patriarchy refers to a world that is run by men, it believes that men are the superior ones and women should be homely and provide for their children. If being a feminist had been anything related to making men feel inferior, then there wouldn't have been so many famous, highly educated, and knowledgeable men who are proud to call themselves feminists.

And the concept of patriarchy has always been so glorified and perpetual in our society that women tend to mold themselves in this system. They have accepted that their foremost job is to do the household chores and be a 'Mother'. Their only personality should revolve around their family, they're always expected to make sacrifices, be selfless, and be submissive. In all, if we look into this deeper, we'll realize that our society has its own standards for an Ideal Woman. Now the norms set with this title of the Ideal Woman are endless, but the most destructive ones are, that making sacrifices for the family is the duty of a woman and there's nothing special in that, women are always expected to behave a certain way, dress in a particular manner, and even the women that laugh loudly are sometimes considered mannerless. Even if something happens to a woman, instead of blaming the criminal, some people are so shallow-minded that they blame the woman, their clothes, their attitude, or being outgoing, for any rape case or any other mis happenings. 

Especially our Indian society associates this patriarchal mindset with the old traditions and culture of our country. Some people claim that women and men are different from each other physically, so they don't have the right to ask for equality. But nature made diversity in the body of women and men, not inequality, not hierarchy. 

This patriarchal mindset is not only vicious towards men but also impacts men in our society in a really antagonistic manner. Just like women, they also have standards set for men, like they have to be always emotionally strong. 

Don't cry like a girl, I'm sure every one of us must have heard these things, we hear our parents say it to us or if you're a girl reading this, I'm sure you must've heard your parents say it to your brother or ask any of your male friends that how much pressure it is on an unemployed man. For girls most of the time, it's absolutely fine if she is unemployed or do not have a career but it is suddenly a natural disaster in the case of men. Even if a woman is earning in the family, her husband is expected to earn more than his partner. We need to understand that men do have the right to be emotionally weak and express themselves. 

Even after all this the most disturbing things are glorifying these kinds of attitudes, the violent and aggressive behavior of a man is often justified through many hit blockbuster movies which showcase something that is not something normal and should be criticized but the reason they're coming out as a blockbuster just shows the regressive and petty minds of the people in our society, and most of these people are the youngsters of our country who are justifying this regressive and extremely dominant behavior behind a word. The so-called ' Alpha Males', are validating all these retrogressive morals and actions around them and within them. 

So as aware citizens of society, it's our duty and responsibility to understand the meaning of true feminism and also make people understand and leave behind the derogatory patriarchal concept to be a more progressive and self-ruling nation. 
