It's something else

Every one of us feels attracted to another individual during different phases of our lives. They can be our friends, colleagues, batchmates, etc. However, the connection sometimes feels slightly more intense than a normal infatuation or attraction. We're curious to know if it's love or not. One thing we're sure about is that it's not that usual crush or fling, it feels like a powerful force connecting you both. There is an unusual spark and passionate connection that pulls both of you together, feels like destiny. 

Sometimes it's much more than a crush or infatuation or a fling, it's something else that must not be named. 

And even after the exquisite bond that you guys share, there are complications. Sometimes either one of you is scared of commitment or maybe you are scared that being in a labeled relationship might even break you guys in the future as friends, and you are so attached to the other person emotionally that you decide to let them go instead of giving things a shot and risking your relationship as you literally can't afford to lose them. 

How do you know that what you feel for that person is much more than just affection, when you just want them to be happy, and seeing them cheery makes you contended enough to let them go. 





Something our generation lacks