Recently there has been a rape case in Kolkata, India. A trainee doctor who completed her 36-hour shift was raped brutally and then murdered. Initially, it was said to be a suicide case but later on, it was claimed that it was a case of gang rape where the victim was sexually assaulted many times, and then murdered.

Isn't the workplace considered to be the safest place for a person other than their home clearly in a society in which we are living, women are not supposed to be secure anywhere even at their homes. Let’s focus on the mental and psychological development of the citizens. 

Instead of working towards DIGITAL INDIA let’s first aim for a SENSIBLE INDIA. 

At one end where India is progressing in terms of technology, business, economy, and leading so many companies all over the world, the basics are where we need to improve. The mindset, the thinking, the perspective, all these things are improving at a really slow pace. People need to be made aware of basic manners, their mindset is shrinking when it comes to women. No matter what the problem is or who the hooligan is, it’s always the woman who is to be blamed. 

Their clothes, their personality, their opinion, their appearance, their behavior, their profession, and whatnot. Let’s first learn to point out the culprit and stop criticizing the victim. 

Is this what we call an independent and progressive India, rather than just pressurizing your kids about academic grades first aim is to make them more sensible and chivalrous beings, especially the boys. The boys and men in our homes are the ones who the women of our society have to face, so make sure they treat them as humans, not for their own satisfaction and mere lust. If all of us remain so unaffected and unbothered then it won’t be much longer when all the genius minds will move to foreign countries. 

After all of these cases, lakhs of rape cases being registered every year and so many parents losing their daughters our country still needs a Candle March to make people realize that it’s a CRIME. Our country’s government takes years and years to punish the convict. This sort of system is what encourages the rapists and the lawbreakers, it shows that there will be no quick action to the crime they’ve committed and hence they don’t really understand that this is wrong. They’ve always learned to blame the woman, her clothes instigated them, she was roaming outside at night, and her behavior was asking for it, it’s the woman always. 

For how long are we going to take a stand only when something extremely horrific that is covered by the media is shown to us, so many rape cases happen in our country which go unregistered. Lakhs of them go unnoticed, and the life of a girl is merely trapped in a binder file and is lying somewhere among the bulk of pending cases there in the police station. 

This is a time where each one of us should stand up, for the sake of our own daughters, wives, aunts, friends, sisters, and all the women of the country who are still not safe. 

